going away [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 16:12:36 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the moment she sees the beginning of snow, of white capped firs and blanketed paths, it's like a different world. most think of a vacation somewhere warm and tropical, with beaches and sunbathing. there hadn't been any other options, however, for them. no, snowpoint city was the only destination in mind.

"incredible," she squeals, rushing forward to dart ahead of their little makeshift group. one of her ninetales follows her lead with yips of excitement and a bundle of swishing tails. "it looks the same!" realistically, this part of sinnoh is usually kept the same. climate change hasn't touched this far north yet and snow still blows steadily from the peak of mt. coronet. perhaps in twenty years it might not look as pristine, as untouched as it does right now, but she hopes that day never comes.

illeana eventually remembers her manners after bouncing through the snow for a few more moments. her smile is sheepish but rosy and bright when she turns back to him. a hand stretches in his direction with an inviting tilt of her head. "you know," she murmurs, rooting herself in place until he joins her side again and his hand settles into hers. "i'm really glad you suggested snowpoint." of course, she hadn't exactly been excited at first... there was a lot of panic and anxiety and probably tears but alexander took all of it in stride. instead of changing the destination, he insisted and while the concept of her parents being in town still weighs on her mind, the excitement of being back home overcomes all of it.

"oooh, think we could stop by the temple?" she is the equivalent of a kid in a candy store, unbridled excitement seeping from every pore.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 16:58:00 GMT
[attr="class","devonpost"]as snow falls down all around them and he's left gazing in awe and wonder, he cannot help but feel grateful. it had only been a few months since he was last in snowpoint but the circumstances are vastly different. he could not have imagined things to play out the way they did. it just goes to show that no matter how hard he tries, certain things will always be out of his control.

and for once, as he watches her relish the surroundings, he is okay with it. more than okay. he is happy.

alexander reaches out for her hand and takes it in his; a movement he's become so familiar with. "i'm glad too." he pulls her closer. "you're beautiful." more beautiful than everything around them, he has long decided. her excitement is reflected when she asks her question; he's already nodding even before she finishes.

"of course! the temple sounds lovely." and then he finally tears his gaze away and looks in the general direction of the temple. his eyebrows raise as he hums his next question. "you want to stop for hot cocoa on the way? we'd be passing a great place that serves it. best in the city." he doesn't look away for long. "but to be fair i've only been to that one." a chuckle escapes, genuine, as he finds himself enamored.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 17:56:45 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]cold nips at her skin and leaves her rosy. that, however, is nothing on the way his compliment hits her ears and spreads warmth throughout her body. she grins widely, bashfully unashamed as she presses into his side. "and you're the best," she chirps. her fingers curl a little tighter around his with a light squeeze, a giggle escaping soon after.

she still hasn't quite gotten used to this feeling if she's being honest. sure, she's more comfortable with him now, even at home if she really thinks about it, but the compliments still catch her off guard and leave her a little breathless. the fuzzy feeling from their first meeting still lingers, even increases in moments like these. "i think you're spoiling me just a little," she laughs at the eagerness of his nod. of course, she should've known he would've agreed wholeheartedly in the end.

thoughts of hot cocoa have her adding a little extra pep in her step, boots lightly crunching against snow as she is already beginning to tug him forward. "yes, of course!" she's beaming. a ray of sunshine against the snow, really, but it's hard not to be with this trip and her favorite company. "although, i might end up getting iced coffee instead." born and raised in the cold, she's unbothered by the addition of a cold drink in her hand. although, in her defense, this corner of sinnoh happens to have the best drinks anyway. totally biased opinion, though, but her nod of agreement is bubbly all the same. "there's a few more that have really good drinks, too! although, they might have changed since i've been home." things always change but so far, snowpoint seems to be just as she remembers. perhaps it's a comfort she has been needing in these past few months. strife and chaos have slowly been bubbling to a boiling point in hoenn and retreating to the cold of sinnoh feels like a breath of fresh air. her head tips slightly to lean on his shoulder, a soft sigh escaping in the process. "what else would you like to see? besides the temple, i mean."


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 18:16:15 GMT
[attr="class","devonpost"]how could he not be eager? visiting the temple with her sounds amazing. doing anything with her sounds amazing. she's his favorite company and he's only thankful to be able to spend time with her. 

"is that such a bad thing?" 

she tugs him forward and soon they're making their way through the snow-covered streets of snowpoint. they pass by a few familiar buildings but none he is able to put a name to. "iced coffee–" he repeats her and cuts himself off, holding his tongue for the playful jab at her odd choice of drink. "we can definitely stop by them later. we are in no rush." it feels like they have all the time in the world to stay lost in their bubble and he loves it. 

it has never been easy for alexander to step away from work let alone the region. but with her it doesn't feel too scary. he feels safe. her head leans on his shoulder and he finds himself drifting closer.

"mmm, there's lake acuity, but that can wait as well since it's a bit out of the city. i used to go there when i needed a breather." 

the cafe soon comes into sight and he cannot help the way he lights up in glee.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 22:43:38 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]"not at all," she giggles, tugging on his fingers in an almost teasing manner. if anything, it's actually a little dizzying. to think that this would have been the outcome of a chance encounter, of a simple mission leading to so much more. her cheeks flush further at the thought and she's probably softer than she's ever been in this moment. maybe it's the fact that she's returning home or that she's more excited than she thought possible, but it definitely has more to do with her hand in his and the way it supplies her with endless warmth against the cold. originally, returning to snowpoint city had always left her with dread but with him, she could go anywhere and feel content, safe, happy.

her cheeks puff out when he repeats her choice of drink back to her. yes, iced coffee. cold drinks and snow do go well together, thank you very much. "don't judge," she pouts. most people think of warming themselves with hot cocoa or tea when they're faced with the cold but, well, the cold hasn't bothered her much before. what's a little more? she's distracted from picking at his reaction to her choice of drinks by the buildings they pass. each one brings with it a childhood memory of passing them as a small girl. of course, she hadn't really had the chance to explore much when she was young but the nostalgia is still there nonetheless. "right! how long are we staying, again?" she asks, purely for curious reasons and definitely not because she's trying to effectively plan just how many places she can drag him to before the trip ends. their bubble is in full effect and time seems to pass differently within it. slower, lending itself to allow them to enjoy each other and the experiences around them.

illeana shifts to get closer to him and the warmth his side brings. it's safe here, she's come to understand. as if the world can't harm her so long as he's with her. somehow, her heart swells at the thought and she's happily sighing out her comfort. lazily she watches the puff of air swirl around the space in front of her before dissipating. the grin that follows is perhaps too childish for her but she's missed this place, this cold atmosphere, and it shows.

"oh, lake acuity!" she doesn't bother to hide the way her voice climbs an octave in her excitement. the lake is close to her old home, just on the outskirts of snowpoint. "the lakefront is so soothing. of course, most go to see if the legend surrounding it is real but it's nice to just sit at the edge of the water and take in the view." briefly, memories of playing by the lakeside as a child surface. at her heels, nix coos and she knows the ninetales remembers the place well enough to match his trainer's excitement. "cafe, temple, then the lake?" she tilts her head to peer up at him from her spot on his shoulder, flashing an affectionate smile. it might be a busy day for them but each moment will be one she'll cherish.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 4:11:46 GMT
[attr="class","devonpost"]how her cheeks puff at the slightest of teasing warms him. "i'm not! i just find it interesting. a bit odd, but interesting." her pout makes him laugh in response. cute. but when is she not? her question draws him back in from the buildings. "for as long as you'd like." is the real answer but it might not be the one she's looking for. an amused smile graces his features before he continues. "the hotel is booked for three nights so we have plenty of time." and yet he knows time will pass too quickly.

lake acuity! he finds her her excitement endearing as he returns a nod. "it really is. i'll admit i first went to see if the legend is real but i fell in love with the lake after that. something about it is just so calming." he remembers just sitting by the lakeside and peering out at the stillness of the water. it almost felt surreal.

he meets her gaze when she tilts her head up and reflects the same affectionate smile. "sounds like a plan." he shifts closer to kiss her forehead. he squeezes her hands, relishing the warmth he feels despite the cold around them.

it really is illeana that leads them through the city. his sense of direction is great, but he continues to be distracted by her. the cafe is the first place they stop at to order their drinks. he opts for hot cocoa, a drink appropriate for the weather, while she chooses iced coffee. he forces himself to keep his mouth shut no matter how much he wants to tease her about it. and soon they find themselves nearing the temple.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 18:24:06 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]her cheeks almost deflate until she hears his laugh, his mild excuse. "uh-huh, sure," she counters, looking perhaps a little too much like a quilfish. "totally interesting." she can't keep it up for long, however, and soon she's dissolving into giggles. her head turns to take another look at the familiar buildings while he speaks. as long as she'd like, huh? the smile that rises is both fond and a little playful, curling further into her cheeks when she turns back to him. "don't tempt me," she coos. "i'd stay here forever if i could." she can't, they can't, but it's nice to think about anyway. it keeps her silent for a moment as if memories play like a movie trailer that keeps her occupied for longer than she'd like to admit. his voice shoos them away in the end and she's matching his amused expression with a delighted one. "three nights? we can do a lot in that amount of time!" at least, she believes so. it'll pass them by too quickly and usher them back to the real world without warning. but, for now, they're happy and content in this corner of the world, in their bubble as it always should be.

her head tilts a little further into his shoulder as he nods. a hum escapes as if she's processing his words a little more carefully than she normally would. and then, a giggle follows and she's not bothering to hold back any teasing. "you know, i'm not surprised you went for the legend first." it's perhaps too fitting for him now that she thinks about it but he's curious and eager to learn, something she finds adorable. another hum follows, her hand squeezing his in the process. "the lake has that effect on people. there's really nothing else quite like it. well, except the other lakes but acuity feels different from the rest." really, she's just biased. this is her home, her origin. how could she not be?

okay, it might be super soft and cliche but she really melts a little every time he hits her with that affectionate smile. something about it just makes her knees weak. add the brush of lips against her forehead into the mix and she's literal putty in his hands. "yay," she meekly adds, torn between flushing a bright red and giggling. in the end, she does both and shifts closer at the squeeze of her hands.

while she had thought that it would have been a little difficult to relearn the paths of the city, it proves to be easier than she knew. only once does she lead them in the wrong direction, only to realize a moment later and let out an embarrassed laugh before tugging him the right way. along the snow covered paths, they stop by the cafe and grab their drinks. the look she gives him when they slide her iced coffee in her direction is almost smug, as if it's superior to his hot cocoa. and then, they're wandering back on the streets of the city and the temple's structure slowly comes into view.

as soon as she sees it, she's leaving his side to dart forward once more. with the snow falling around her, she's a bundle of scarves and warm clothing and complete joy. "look!" she whips around to face him for a moment before rotating back to the face of the temple, hair flying in the process. it still looks the same, still feels the same, and she doesn't know if she should laugh or cry over such a thing? she decides on giggling but tears still pepper the corners of her eyes.


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june 12
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2020 18:47:32 GMT
[attr="class","devonpost"]forever is such a dangerous concept and yet he finds himself entertaining it, even for just a little bit. "would that be such a bad thing?" he speaks in jest but it allows him a moment to think. it's selfish of him to even think of abandoning his duty, his region, for peace and happiness here with her. it is something that he would never actually do, but in an ideal world, this is what he imagines it to look like.

her teasing falls lightly on his ears and he finds himself chuckling at her words. "then you should probably know about my trips to the other lakes as well." he leaves it up to her to decide upon the truthfulness of his words. would he really have been so invested in the legends that he'd travel across the region to investigate it? yes, that does sound like him.

the temple is no different. lore and history fascinate him and the ones surrounding snowpoint temple peaked his interest when he first visited. he watches on with fondness as she darts forward with a childish sense of joy that fills him with warmth. "it's beautiful!" he stares at the intricate designs that make up the temple. the stone pillars outside, the sealed entrance, it all fascinates him.

"has it changed at all?"

the last time he was here he was denied entrance to the temple. he suspects this time will be no different, though he has no qualms with just admiring it from outside, as long as she's there next to him.

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2020 0:08:51 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]"no," she supplies almost immediately. "it wouldn't." of course, they can't abandon the region they call home but... sometimes, it's nice to think of other possibilities. away from the stress of duty, of bubbling tension, of things that lurk in the dark and monsters with exploding heads. it certainly wouldn't be a bad thing to stay here forever but eventually, they have to leave their bubble. eventually, they have to go back to the real world.

but for now, she's content with picturing this trip as what life could be like here, with him, forever in their bubble.

she grins widely at the mention of the other lakes. perhaps there's little truth in the words but she latches onto them anyway with a giggle and the idea that he has all the time in the world to disclose all the little details. "oh, do tell!" she raises an eyebrow just for effect, eyes bordering on amused. "i wanna hear everything." and really, she does, but the jury's still out on if he really did venture to the rest of the lakes within the region. if he did, she's curious to hear his opinion on them. they're familiar to her, enough for her to still recall memories of each one.

and then, she's positively beaming when his response hits her ears. beautiful. it really is. snowpoint's temple feels like something out of a different realm, both ethereal and unnerving. and yet, that's the whole charm of it. something this incredible, this enchanting really exists in the same space as them. she doesn't offer him an answer at first. no, she's absorbed into the way the falling snow almost seems to frame the sealed entrance and how snow capped pillars draw in the eye. recommitting this sight to memory leaves her silent for a little too long and she's flushing slightly when she finally snaps back to attention when he murmurs again.

does it look the same? she drifts back to his side but her eyes never leave the face of the temple. she's too enamored. with him, with the temple, with the city. and perhaps it shows when she finally turns back to him, flushed and utterly blissful. "it does but," her hand snakes its way into his as she speaks. "it's better this time around." as if for added effect, she gives his fingers a squeeze and resumes settling her head back into its spot on his shoulder. a content sigh escapes, then, and she's drawn back into simply observing the sheer masterpiece that is snowpoint's temple.


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POSTED ON Jun 20, 2020 8:50:38 GMT
[attr="class","devonpost"]there is honestly not much to tell about the lakes. legends are legends for a reason, and some might call it foolish to take them for more than they are. such a response is no fun, however, and he opts for a lighter one.

"i am sorry to dissapoint but i found no legends of any kind. they must be hibernating. but at least the views were nice." 

she's right: it is better this time around. the temple looks exactly the same as far as he can tell but it isn't just about the temple. it's about the situation, the experience. she makes it better.

"i agree." 

and then he feels her hand squeezing his, her head resting on his shoulder, and exhales because it feels like all is right. he dissolves back into their bubble and simply appreciates the view, the moment, and the memory. he isn't sure how much time passes before he speaks again.

"lake acuity next?"

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
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you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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illeana reyes
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 20, 2020 18:26:07 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]she hums as if chewing on the words, deciding whether or not she likes them before fully offering anything back. a giggle punctuates the hum and she's dissolving into amused laughter before she can decide on anything else. "hibernating, huh?" somehow, she likes that concept better than the idea that myths are myths and legends are nothing more than a child's dream. "better than not existing, i suppose. besides, the legends distract from how breathtaking the view really is." which, when she thinks about it, is fitting for their destination.

the lore and myths that surround the temple are no different. they draw in attention, gathering the masses that flock for the chance to uncover something worthy of fame. and yet, none have ever been successful. the legend stays as nothing more than a legend and the temple makes for a pretty view. still, she wonders if the stories she heard as a child hold some weight to them. another day, another trip perhaps.

the smile she flashes him at his agreement is affectionate, content. they're not strangers to the city but it still manages to feel as though all the previous times stepping into snow with a light crunch beneath your boots can't hold a candle to now. in a way, it's the company and not the city but she has an inkling that he might already understand that. and so, instead of touching upon it or bringing light to all the ways she's over the moon with this single trip alone, she settles into a comfortable silence. content to take in the sights, the comforting feel of home, commit it all to memory until eventually it'll be used as a grounding tool in worse times.

time flows around them but for how long, she isn't sure. it's only when he speaks that she comes back to reality. mind drawn away from whatever daydreams she had floating around in her head while getting her fill of the temple and toward his face. her gaze drifts up toward him and she nods into his shoulder. "sounds good to me," she murmurs. realistically, he could suggest anything and she'd probably follow like a puppy dog. whoops.


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POSTED ON Jun 21, 2020 16:19:52 GMT
[attr="class","devonpost"]some might call him a fool for believing in tales of legendary beings with enough power to dictate the natural order of the universe. but the desert ruins, the auroras winter ball–they prove the existence of such beings. he has seen existence of such beings with his very own eyes. so when he says hibernating, he truly means it: they are out there waiting. for what exactly, he's not too sure.

and then they're off, whisked away in their bubble to their next destination. the travel, no matter how tedious it might usually be, feels comfortable with her by his side. soon they break through the path that leads into lake acuity and he's left breathless the same way he was all those months ago.

"it's quiet."

it escapes more of a statement than a question and for moments he's pleasantly surprised. though he probably shouldn't be, as it is snowing down around them not to mention the frigid temperatures. despite that, he still feels warm.

bringing a hand into his coat, he presses on two buttons and calls out sir diggersby and pyu-pyu. both were aptly named when he was a kid which gives him a valid reasoning to their names. sir diggersby has pyu-pyu positioned comfortably in between his large hand-ears. both of them look to be relishing the weather.

"have fun, you two." 

and with that, sir diggersby runs off towards the lake, careful not to jostle pyu-pyu too much. the pair have always been inseparable.

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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2020 18:23:51 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the journey is half of the experience. between the crunching of snow beneath boots and snowflakes that pepper her hair until the strands are damp, each one merely lends itself to her happiness. and yet, neither have anything on just his presence beside her, on their bubble. the path breaks away into the lakefront and it shouldn't necessarily come as a surprise that she's excitedly tugging at their hands.

"it's beautiful," she murmurs in response. and really, it is. the quiet ambiance and the stillness of the water, the way snow covers every inch and leaves a pristine view. untouched, untainted, pure. it fills her with awe and leaves her settling into silence moments later. subconsciously, she tucks a little further into his side.

he releases his pokemon and she can't help the way her lips curl into a fond smile. they're cute, although the way one is holding the other is perhaps more precious than anything. she offers a coo and a soft wave of her hand toward them before he sends them off, their forms heading toward the lakeside. and then, one of her own pokeballs is tapped until light gives way to another furry form. another ninetales, this one more familiar to him than the pale one at her heels.

flammae shakes her fur out but even with the effort, she still manages to have more snowflakes peppered into tan than before. nix yips from behind the couple before bouncing forward, all tails and excitement. "go on," she giggles. "we're home." the pair of foxes give her one last glance and then they, too, head for the lake to join alexander's pokemon in the snow.

and then, her head is tilting to glance up at him and the smile she wears is bordering mischievous. "so," she whispers. "wanna have a snowball fight?"


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june 12
406 height
406 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,893 posts
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TAG WITH @stone
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2020 10:00:43 GMT
[attr="class","devonpost"]the layer of snow that covers the green of the earth is quickly disrupted by the bouncing of sir diggersby. his large feet create pawprints in the snow that reveal shades of green. the splash of color only goes to compliment the already beautiful scenery. sir diggersby comes to a sliding halt before tumbling along the ground. by the end of it, pyu-pyu is almost covered entirely in snow.

the way nix yips in excitement is affecting. alexander briefly waves at them as the pair of ninetales bounce past them to join his pokemon by the lake. sir diggersby welcomes them with childish glee. speaking of–

"you sure you want to do this, reyes?" 

there's mischief in his voice that's almost out of place for someone like alexander. it's friendly, harmless, but perhaps that's what makes it all the more alluring. he releases her hand, takes steps away from her, but his body never angles away from her.

"state your rules." 

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[newclass=.devonpost b]color:#6c9975;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;[/newclass]
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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
going away [m]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2020 18:22:47 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i"]the duo of ninetales are bundles of excitement, tails, and plush fur as they leap into play time with sir diggersby and pyu-pyu. of course, their respective personalities shine a little brighter with each varied response. while nix is already pawing at snow, shifting some toward both of his pokemon, flammae is content with observing for now. eventually nix will drag her into the fray but for now she's merely an audience member, tails lazily swishing from side to side.

"of course," she laughs as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. a chance to best him at something is a chance she won't take lightly. perhaps that's why she's settling somewhere between flirtatious and confident, her hands planting themselves on both sides of her hips. "what, scared you'll lose?"

it'll dawn on her later that the mischief in his voice is what does her in, what causes her to ultimately lose.

she's ignoring the way the cold rushes in the moment he leaves her side, the way the lack of warmth is startling. instead she'll focus on his movements, on how he's placing himself opposite her as if they're on two different sides of the battlefield. it feels odd to be against each other but all's fair in love and snowball fights.

"anything goes," she grins and it shifts into something bordering on dangerous. an unusual expression for the softness of her eyes but her next statement cements it further. "but if you go easy on me, i'm ruining your life." it's only barely a threat.


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